Additional facilities
Every student or expat room has free Wi-Fi, so you can always connect with the world around you. You can let everybody know how wonderful your stay is at ‘The Grand’. Enjoy the social activity of dining together with up to fifteen of your housemates in the luxurious kitchen on your floor. A laundry room is available and in the Grand Hall there are lots of fun activities, just like in a regular hotel. The public spaces are well maintained. Oh, and you don’t have to worry about unwanted guests. Access passes to The Grand are only given to tenants.
The Grand Community
Be part of The Grand Community. Most of the time the activities will be concentrated in The Grand Hall, the living area of the building. Here you can challenge your housemates to a game of pool, nestle yourself in a comfortable corner to play games or even study. Experience The Grand Community where (inter-)national students and expats live together and have fun. You’ll feel at home in no time during your stay in The Grand.
Flexible rental contract
We offer flexibility. You can rent your room at The Grand starting from two months. This gives you the opportunity to tailor your housing needs to your study program. Whether your stay is three months or eight: everything is possible at The Grand. We understand your need for comfort. That’s why your rental contract will be simple and short without any fuss. You can request your contract through the internet and only have to pay for what you really use through our safe online payment system. Isn’t that easy?
Shared room
Want to share a room with a friend? No problem! The Grand will add an extra bed to your room. Instead of 200%, you’ll pay 150% rent together!